What to Do After the Orgy
Baudrillard famously asked, "What are you doing after the orgy?" Our answer: Take a leap of faith about the ultimate truth, then harness the chaos of modernity to bring that truth into being.
Society Is a Corpse That Purges at the Mouth
On Mary Moody Emerson.
Write to Yourself and Yourself Alone
Sibi scribere.
Looking for Spinoza by Antonio Damasio: Detailed Summary
Joy, Sorrow, and the Feeling Brain.
Bad Therapy by Abigail Shrier: Detailed Summary
Why the Kids Aren't Growing Up
Kant, Capital, and the Prohibition of Incest by Nick Land: A Detailed Guide
The high-water mark of revolutionary Deleuzian Feminism.
After Virtue by Alisdaire MacIntyre: A Detailed Guide
A critique of modern moral discourse and a proposal to revive the Aristotelian tradition of virtue ethics.